Last summer, Robins proudly announced that our commitment to developing young footballers had been recognised by the FA with the award of the prestigious FA Charter Standard Development status to the club. This year, we have gone one better and won an award from Wilts FA as the Charter Standard Development Club of the Year.
The award was presented in recognition that as a club we haven't rested on our laurels in the last year, but carried on driving forward in our commitment to developing our young players. Tim Hall, of Wilts FA, explained "The FA Community Awards allow the County FA to reward clubs, league and individuals across the County for their contribution to the game."
"The history of Robins speaks for itself and since achieving Charter Standard Youth Club status over 5 years ago and the status of Development Club back in June 2015 the club have never stood still. The club currently offers football provision to the Community with players from 7-16 whilst also offering community football sessions to those players under the age of 6."
"This past season saw the club continue to raise awareness of the club whilst fundraising for local charities. At Christmas the club kept up its tradition of providing food boxes to the Christmas Care Shelter which in turn was distributed to homeless people in Swindon."
"On the pitch the club in the past season invested heavily in its volunteer workforce with 2 new coaches gaining their FA Level 1, 1 coach achieving the FA Level 2 and a further coach completing both the FA Youth Award Modules 1 and 2, adding to the coaches who already have Youth Award qualifications. Furthermore many of the clubs coaches have also renewed their First Aid and Safeguarding Children qualifications which has gone a long way to ensuring the club continue to the deliver the Charter Standards programme aim of raising standards in the grassroots game. It was a pleasure to announce the club as the Charter Standard Development Club of the Year and we hope it goes a small way in rewarding the whole club and all those involved that continue to drive it forward."
We at Robins are very proud of all the hard work put in by all our volunteers, from club chairman Paul Wainwright, secretary Teresa Trueman, Treasurer Alison Paul, to our coaches and all the parents who give so much of their time to help the teams and the club run smoothly. It's this collective effort that all adds up to a great experience for our young players and allows us to give them the best possible start in their football development.