Exciting news this week of a prestigious award recognising Robins' work not just as a football club, but as a real asset to the local community.

Swindon Rotary Phoenix celebrate 10 years as a chartered club this year and to celebrate they are recognising local community champions. And Robins FC have been chose to be one of these Champions, in recognition of over 30 years work in the local community.
Adam Wainwright, this year's President of the club expained "As the Rotary Club of Swindon Phoenix we will not only be celebrating 10 years as a chartered Club; but we will be celebrating and championing local Champions. Those people as individuals or as part of groups within our communities that go that extra mile, those that enrich other people's lives by being kind and selfless. For us they are the true celebrities.
The award will be presented at an awards ceremony and dinner on June 24th - if you'd like to attend along with our chairman Paul Wainwright to see Robins FC's comminity work recognised in what promises to be a great night, tickets are available for £35 a head. Details of the event are on the poster below - contact your team manager to get tickets for what will be a great night out!